Sorcerers of Chaos shape the destiny of the galaxy with forbidden rituals and unspeakable pacts. They channel the soul-blasting energies of the warp into potent hexes and blasts of flame, as they mould the material universe with little more than a hate-filled curse. This plastic kit is comprised of 9 components and builds one Chaos Space Marines Sorcerer armed with…
Chaos Terminators are heavily armoured veterans clad in debased suits of Tactical Dreadnought armour. They form the elite of their masters’ warbands, for though they are ponderous compared to their power armour-clad comrades, nothing short of a dedicated anti-tank laser can stop a Terminator in full stride. Spiked trophy racks protrude from massive shoulders, the skulls of the enemy a…
Clonefather. Primogenitor. Spider. Fabius Bile has laboured under many epithets during his long and wicked life, but none truly convey the unrepentant evil of this heretic crypto-scientist. A twister of flesh and a sculptor of nightmares, Fabius Bile is one of the most abominable renegades to blight the Emperor's realm. In command of Fabius, you can unleash gene-spliced horrors upon…
Haarken Worldclaimer takes a heinous joy in his role as the mouthpiece of Abaddon, for it is he who proclaims the death of worlds. He does so not with some quotidian threat or hollow boast, but by driving his weapon, the Daemon-touched Helspear deep into the heart of citizen and soldier alike. He is a dark omen given form, and…
Heldrakes are winged Daemon Engines that plummet out of the skies like living comets, hurtling towards enemy aircraft and crashing claws-first into them from above. A Heldrake takes cruel joy in diving down upon the unsuspecting air support of the enemy in order to shred them to pieces with its scything wings and rune-carved talons. The Heldrake model is an…