Стартер за играта с миниатюри Warhammer 40,000. Съдържа 2 стартови армии - Tyranids и Space Marines A great way to begin your journey into the Warhammer 40,000 hobby Includes basic rules for the game, plus dice, a gaming mat, reference sheets, and a range ruler 16 push-fit models make up two balanced starter forces - Space Marines and Tyranids, plus…
Стартерен пакет за за играта с миниатюри Warhammer 40,000, съдържащ две армии, Tyranids и Space marines, предназначен за нови играчи и хобисти, както и за такива допълващи колецията си. A fantastic way to begin your journey into the Warhammer 40,000 hobby Includes basic rules for the game, plus dice, a gaming mat, reference sheets, and range rulers Contains 38 push-fit…
Стартерен пакет за играта с миниатюри Warhammer 40,000, съдържащ две армии, Tyranids и Space Marines, предназначен за нови играчи и хобисти, както и за такива допълващи колецията си. Кутията съдържа и терен за игра. The ideal way to begin your journey into the Warhammer 40,000 hobby Includes full rules for the game, plus dice, gaming boards, reference sheets, and range…
Battle-psykers, bearing Khaine's mark upon their soul, the Aeldari Warlocks are never more at home than in the heat of battle. While the power of the Farseers is subtle and patient, the Warlocks are sudden and brutal, using their formidable psychic abilities to spur their allies on and confound their enemies with a shocking, immediate violence. This multi-part plastic kit…
Проверете наличност Upgrade a variety of Space Marines units. Add iconography and details unique to the White Scars. Finish your models with Chapter-specific transfers.
Swooping, jinking and arcing across the skies at unbelievable speed, turning at impossible angles, the Windriders are jetbike pilots completely in tune with their machines. Striking suddenly and violently with hailstorms of shuriken fire before climbing away with consummate grace, Windriders often destroy their prey even before the whine of their antigravitic engines broadcasts their presence. This multi-part plastic kit…