Used exclusively by the Adeptus Ministorum, the Immolator-pattern armoured assault transport is a variant on the Rhino chassis. Atop the hull of each Immolator is mounted an elaborate turret arrangement that incorporates a stained-armaglass ballistic shield, auto-choral targeting array and gunner's nest linked to a twinned pair of devastating heavy weapons. The Immolator is equipped with a hull-mounted heavy bolter…
Продуктът съдържа карти с правила за Warhammer 40,000. За повече информация към страницата на производителя 36 cards to help you easily reference all the rules, profiles, and abilities for your Adepta Sororitas army Includes full datasheets for every unit available to the Sisters of Battle Plus reference cards for Detachment rules, Enhancements, and Stratagems
Продуктът съдържа карти с правила за Warhammer 40,000. За повече информация към страницата на производителя 32 cards to help you easily reference all the rules, profiles, and abilities for your Adeptus Mechanicus army Includes full datasheets for every unit available to the Adeptus Mechanicus Plus reference cards for Detachment rules, Enhancements, and Stratagems
Продуктът съдържа карти с правила за Warhammer 40,000. За повече информация към страницата на производителя 64 cards to help you easily reference all the rules, profiles, and abilities for your Astra Militarum army Includes full datasheets for every unit available to the Astra Militarum Plus reference cards for Detachment rules, Enhancements, and Stratagems
Продуктът съдържа карти с правила за Warhammer 40,000. За повече информация към страницата на производителя 18 cards to help you easily reference the rules for the Agents of the Imperium Includes datasheets for every Imperial Agents unit, from Assassins to Arbites Plus a reference card detailing how to add Imperial Agents to Imperium armies
Продуктът съдържа карти с правила за Warhammer 40,000. За повече информация към страницата на производителя 27 cards to help you easily reference all the rules for both Imperial Knights and Chaos Knights armies Includes datasheets for every Imperial Knight and Chaos Knight unit Plus reference cards for Detachment rules, Enhancements, and Stratagems
Junith Eruita sweeps into battle wreathed in holy fire and holding high the Mace of Castigation. Riding within the Pulpit of Saint Holline’s Basilica, she hovers across the battlefield upon thrumming waves of holy energy. The pulpit’s heavy flamers swivel seemingly of their own accord, seeking out the heretical and the faithless and immolating them without mercy. As the pyres…
2 Kastelan Robots and one Cybernetica Datasmith 2 Citadel 60mm Round Bases, and the Cybernetica Datasmith includes 1 Citadel 32mm Round Base two sets of power fists, two sets of twin-linked phosphor blasters and a choice of carapace-mounted weaponry (incendine combustor or yet another phosphor blaster - two of each are supplied). The Cybernetica Datasmith is armed with a gamma…